Eye Floaties Seeing A Lot Of Floaties In Your Eyes A Sign For Something Serious?

Seeing a lot of floaties in your eyes a sign for something serious? - eye floaties

I), many swimmers (on / gray invisible things that float in the eye and I know that must be removed with surgery, but I have those things where it talk much as she could be a medical condition


Pedestal 42 said...

People usually do not float away by an operation, unless they take very seriously. The surgery, vitrectomy is a risk of creating floats and has a detached retina and macular edema, and possible side effects, so it is rarely used for "normal" floaters.

Floats Viejo (now more than two months) have a very limited role.
Float fresh, with or without flashing lights should be examined.
98% fee swimmers are not clinically significant, but in 2% of cases are an early sign of retinal detachment, and pick up a screening of all new swimmers are advised to say, despite forty fifty-nine people to do nothing.

hopescla... said...

Yes, it could be a medical problem. Please consult your ophthalmologist.

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